Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Maintain a Healthy Brain

Eat salmon and other types of fish may help to maintain a healthy brain. A help could also help in the prevention of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, as documented in a new study from the US conducted at the University of South Dakota by Dr. James Pottala, a researcher at the Health Diagnostic Laboratory Inc. of Richmond, Virginia.

The fatty acids omega-3 contained in salmon and other fish would be not only a supply of nutrients useful to the balance of the values in the blood, but according to what was published in the scientific journal Neurology, these essential fatty acids would increase the volume of the brain itself, by extending in time the memory capacity.

Thanks to the omega-3, fish like salmon are rich, the ability to keep a memory intact and to delay the degeneration of cognitive are extended for a period of between 1 and 2 years. As explained by the Dr. Pottala:

These higher levels of fatty acids can be obtained through the diet and use of supplements, and the results suggest that the effect on brain volume is the equivalent of the delay from one to two years, the normal loss of brain cells that occurs with aging.
The firm has been involved for about 8 years, more than 1,100 women are part of the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study and the mean age was 78 years. Were compared to their values in the blood of omega-3 with the volume of their brain, as detected via MRI (Magnetic Resonance imaging).
Has emerged as those who had the most monounsaturated fatty acids in the blood avvessero more chance (7,5% against the 3.4% of other) have increased the size of the brain, equivalent to 0.7% of the average. In particular was higher than the size of the hippocampus (2,7% more), an area recognized as being of great importance for the management of the memory and the atrophy is in some cases prior to the onset of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

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