Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

Talk About Detoxification Diet

Who is the recommended detoxification diet? To all those who wish to remain in good health or need to find a balance and harmony of the physiological, a new vitality, or need to modify their food hygiene for several reasons, including being overweight.

Diet detoxifying, purifying, slimming
For example, many professional athletes prefer to detoxify their body before physical effort is particularly intense.

Also stress, tiredness, poor oxygenation, sedentary lifestyle, abuse or dependence on drugs, such as antidepressants, are valid indications for a cleansing diet.

The detoxification diet is to lose weight?
It depends on the individual case and by the shape of the body. Sometimes, the weight loss is striking, because some people eliminate the fluid retention, which hampers blood circulation and causes edema (swelling) infìammatori.

During the diet, liquids and colloids which are gelled with the passing of time, thinning, and are deleted.

These liquids have a high content of toxins and can inhibit cell regeneration.
Lose the fat mass, however, requires more time. You have to analyze the source to determine the real cause of overweight.

Weight loss is variable according to the individuals and depends on genetic heritage, by the fluctuations in hormonal, lifestyle (sedentary or active) and of course from the health conditions at the beginning of the diet.

In general, you can lose weight between 1 and 2 kg.
The detoxification diet is associated with drinks based on herbs, natural vitamins, fibers and minerals. Bread, coffee, alcohol, salt, flour, sugar and refined are eliminated, as well as all the meats.

You have to associate physical activity to the diet?
Yes, physical activity is essential. The intensity and the duration can be customized, but it is always compulsory, because it is closely correlated with the outcome you want to achieve. Walking for a good hour of walking briskly in the open air.

Detoxification is seen from the outside?
It's often forgotten, but the skin is a place of exchange and an organ of elimination, and, above all, has the functions of adjusting when the other organs are saturated. As you can see! Acne, seborrhea, excessive sweating, erythema, itching, eczema, psoriasis are the most common manifestations.

In general, the elimination of toxins is accomplished through the capillaries located in the dermis (the layer beneath the epidermis) through the sweat and the sebum, but also the inflammatory processes associated with pathologies such as herpes, represent the vehicles. When the skin can't eliminate toxins, the deposits, in fact, on the surface, changing its appearance.

After a detoxification diet, people often retrieve a complexion more clear, thanks to a better oxygenation of the blood capillaries, and release of the lymphatic circulation and facilitate the work.
Detoxification helps to retard the aging process of the skin by encouraging cell regeneration.

The intoxication of the body caused by metals can cause big health problems. One of the most aggressive is the mercury. In the past it was used in dental amalgams, and its inhalation of gas fumes could damage the brain cells. Today, you can find them in the big fish, especially tuna, if consumed raw, can intoxicate the body.

The large fish contain them in amounts greater than those of a small size, as a matter of chronological order: the more the fish is old, the more time it had to accumulate metals. Because mercury is present mainly in the adipose tissue surface, it is preferable to consume cooked fish to steam for the high temperature eliminate the metal.
Cleansing diet menu cleansing

Follow the detoxification diet once a month for three days, or a day of the week.

Magnesium chloride (prior to taking this laxative, consult your physician): 1 tablespoon diluted in a glass of water at night before starting the detox.

2 seasonal fruits or a fruit salad (200 g). Green tea or herbal tea.

1 fruit of season.
Raw vegetables or mixed salad (200 g).
Basmati rice or whole-wheat, preferably organic (60-80 g) with 200 g of cooked vegetables. Season with 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil, juice
lemon and fresh herbs.

1 fruit of season.

200 g of steamed vegetables with 60 g of basmati rice or wholemeal.
(The weights are related to the edible portion, net of scrap.)

To improve the functionality of the liver and biliary tract.
Herbal teas: lemon balm, nettle, rosemary, dandelion, etc.
Vegetables: nettle, green leafy vegetables, cooked or salad, dandelion, chicory, artichoke, arugula, endive, radicchio.

Aromatic herbs: rosemary, chervil, chives, sage.
Infusions of medicinal herbs to love more artichoke (found in herbal medicine and in the pharmacy).
Spices: turmeric.

Infusion, hepato-stimulant: dandelion, rosemary, artichoke, burdock and mint leaves (20 g each).
Drink 1-2 cups during the day. (For each cup put 2 teaspoons of herbs in 250 ml of boiling water, let steep 10-15 minutes, strain, and do not sweeten.)

Follow this cleansing diet once a month for three days, or a day of the week.

Herbal tea super slimming.
20 g of red vine leaves.
20 g of the bark of horse chestnut.
20 g of berries of blueberry.
20 g of flowers of centella asiatica.

Preparation and mode of use.
Preparing the mix of herbs that unlock the diuresis and the circulation; pour a teaspoon of the mixture in water.
Make it simmer for a few minutes, then turn the fire off.
Filter it, let it cool down and drink.
Add a pinch of cinnamon and one of ginger, powerful spices fat burner.

The dose recommended.
The herbal tea should be drunk two times daily, away from meals.

Instead of sugar, maple syrup.
Sweetens the tea with maple syrup, which is extracted from the sap of the sugar maple (Acer saccharum). This natural sweetener arena, cleans, helps in the digestive functions and is also useful for reducing the waistline.

Care, draining, more intense, the first week of the month, in the morning, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of maple syrup and one of lemon juice.

After a detoxification diet you feel regenerated, and you would like to continue the commitment.

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