Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

Talk About Omega-3

Omega-3's help to keep under control the body weight. Him for a japanese study, conducted by researchers at Kyoto University, according to which such a substance would help you not to gain weight with advancing age, and in general to regain their line.
In analyzing the effects of omega-3 contained in fish oil the researchers started from the assumption that there are two types of fat: white, which is stratified and becomes the often little-envied “excess”, and the brown, which is burnt to generate energy and heat for the body. The omega-3 would take appropriate action, according to the author of the study, Teruo Kawada, in the transformation of the fat from “bad” to “good”:

We know from previous studies that fish oil provides important health benefits, including the prevention of fat accumulation.

We tested whether the fish oil and the increase of the cells of brown fat can be related to it.
There have been specifically analyzed the effects of omega-3 on a group of rodents fed for 4 months with food with a high fat content. In some phases of the research, the diet of the same mice was supplemented by fish oil: in the periods in which it has been provided to the integration, the increase of weight was less than 10%, while fat accumulation is the result less than 25%.
The japanese study would therefore seem to provide additional help to those who face an “inevitable” weight gain around middle age due to own of the strong decline of brown fat in the body.
In the last, according to the researchers, the benefits from eating fish may help to explain also the better living conditions of the japanese or of the Countries where strong is the appeal of the Mediterranean Diet:
People have repeated for a long time that the food from Japan and the Mediterranean Diet contribute to longevity, but why these kitchens are beneficial is still a matter of discussion. Now we could have done a little bit of light on why this occurs.

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